Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College (LCOOC) is a non-profit Ojibwe tribal community college. Our focus is to help Native students advance themselves in the world, while studying their own history and language.

LCOOC is an open-door institution -- we are here to help anyone who would like to work towards a better tomorrow. While 3 out of every 4 students are Native, we are happy to also serve a large non-native population.

Whether you would like to study Ojibwemowin or gain experience starting your own business -- or both! -- LCOOC is here for you. Please look around, and get in touch. Miigwech! (Thanks!)

The Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College mission is to provide Anishinaabe communities with post-secondary and continuing education while advancing the language, culture, and history of the Ojibwa.
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